The Solar Select™ project is powered by 28 MW DC of renewable solar energy. Located in Lind, Washington, the array will be comprised of more than 81,000 panels that span 170 acres and generate enough electricity to supply approximately 4,000 homes annually.
Through collaboration, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Strata Solar, the WSU Energy Program, and Avista, created a cost effective structure to bring solar energy to large business customers in Eastern Washington, allowing them to begin to meet their desired goals.
Construction of the new solar facility is scheduled to begin this spring with commercial operation starting mid-December 2018. To learn more about the program visit Official enrollment for this program begins May 1, 2018
This news follows the announcement in March that the purchase of Avista by Canada’s HydroOne has reached a milestone in the approval process. The companies have filed a settlement agreement in the proceeding now before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. This represents a full settlement which all parties, including Commission Staff, have agreed is in the public interest and should be accepted by the Commission.
After the $5.3 billion sale, Avista would operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Hydro One.