
BayWa r.e. announces the completion of the Tarquinia solar farm in Italy

BayWa r.e. has announced the completion of the Tarquinia solar farm in Italy with an installed capacity of 51.4 MWp, consisting of more than 94,000 fixed solar modules providing electricity from renewable sources to more than 35,000 households.
BayWa r.e. announces the completion of the Tarquinia solar farm in Italy
Courtesy of Baywa RE.

BayWa r.e. acted as the general contractor and developer of the project, managing not only the development of the solar farm and all the authorisation phases, but also its construction and the installation of the photovoltaic (PV) panels. With work now complete, BayWa r.e. will be responsible for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the solar farm.

Significant mitigation measures were implemented to improve the integration of the solar farm with the surrounding area. These include the creation of an artificial pond to promote aquatic microhabitats suitable for the colonisation of amphibians, other vertebrates and aquatic macroinvertebrates. In addition, existing dry-stone walls were preserved and restored to maintain landscape integrity and promote local biodiversity.

The planting of native plant species is also planned to create ecological corridors and improve environmental connectivity with nearby natural sites.

“The completion of the Tarquinia solar park represents a crucial step in our efforts to drive the energy transition in Italy” said Alessandra Toschi, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. Italy. “This project demonstrates that it is possible to actively contribute to the decarbonisation of the country, while respecting the unique characteristics of the region. We are proud to be able to provide renewable energy to more than 35,000 households, while contributing to enhancing biodiversity and preserving the landscape.”

For additional information:

BayWa r.e.

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