The unit will be on public display for the race event, which is being held between October 14-17 2020, before being transported to the Atlanta Technical College where it will be available for free public charging.
“Georgia Power is a strong supporter of the electrification of transportation” said Georgia Power Company Electric Transportation Manager, Darren Epps. “The EV ARC 2020 from Beam is part of our overall strategy to provide a robust public charging network to our customers and visitors. Emission-free charging supports sustainability measures, and because the EV ARC is off-grid, it also serves as an energy resiliency source for local EV drivers.”
Beam Global CEO Desmond Wheatley added that Georgia Power is taking advantage of the unique ability of Beam’s EV ARC2020 to be transportable yet permanent and that the solar EV charging unit will debut at the Motul Petit Le Mans event before being moved to its home base for public charging.
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