

Canadian Solar to supply 4 MW energy storage solution for Ontario grid

Solar power company Canadian Solar has announced that its subsidiary, Canadian Solar Solutions, is to provide 4 MW of bulk energy storage to support the Ontario grid.
Canadian Solar to supply 4 MW energy storage solution for Ontario grid

The stationary, on-grid, bulk energy storage solution will be supplied to the Independent Electric System Operator (IESO) where it will support ancillary services applications in Ontario by leveraging Canadian Solar’s extensive project development expertise in the Canadian energy market. The project was one of twelve selected by IESO in a competitive application process completed in July 2014. Canadian Solar will be providing reactive power, voltage support and bulk energy storage services to the IESO using stationary lithium battery technology alongside operations and maintenance for a period of 36 months.

“We are pleased to have been selected by the IESO on their energy storage project within Ontario” said Dr. Shawn Qu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Solar Inc.  “This marks a new milestone for Canadian Solar as we make further progress on our move forward from being a module manufacturer to becoming a total energy solution provider. We are now established as one of the industry's fastest growing companies, with one of the largest project pipelines, while expanding our business model by adding bulk energy on-grid battery storage to our portfolio.  We look forward to working with IESO in the years ahead.”

Canadian Solar is one of the world’s largest solar power companies and a leading manufacturer of solar PV modules and solar energy solutions. The company boasts over 7 GW of modules installed in over 70 countries over the past decade.

The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) manages the power system in the province of Ontario, balancing demand for electricity against available supply through the wholesale market. It is a not-for-profit entity established by the Government of Ontario with its fees and licences to operate set by the Ontario Energy Board.

For additional information:

Canadian Solar

Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)

Tags: Solar , Storage , Grid , Electricity , PV
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