The new plant, which has a total installed capacity of 10 MW, will be capable of generating up to around 20 million kWh per year once fully operational. This corresponds to the annual electricity needs of about 1,000 South African households, the company said.
Upington is the first photovoltaic plant built by EGP in South Africa. In addition, Enel Green Power plans to install more than 300 MW in photovoltaic capacity after being awarded the right to sign energy supply contracts with local utility Eskom in 2013 following a tender. The contracts call for the installation of more than 500 MW, including almost 200 MW of wind power.
The four photovoltaic plants (Aurora, Tom Burke, Paleisheweul and Pulida) will be located in the regions of Northern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Limpopo – areas with very high concentrations of solar radiation – and will be designed using thin-film photovoltaic modules manufactured by 3Sun, the joint venture equally owned by Enel Green Power, STMicroelectronics and Sharp with facilities in Catania.
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