
EU Project Pilot Demo in Athens Set to Revolutionize Solar Power Forecasting

The RESPONDENT project, a Horizon Europe initiative focused on advancing renewable energy integration using European space-based technologies, is set to showcase one of the groundbreaking modules of its solution suite with a pivotal pilot demonstration in Athens, Greece. 
EU Project Pilot Demo in Athens Set to Revolutionize Solar Power Forecasting

Scheduled for October 15, 2024, the pilot will be held in Athens, utilizing project partner KIEFER’s solar photovoltaic (PV) park in Artemida, located near the historic Greek capital. This event, the first of the project’s two public pilot demonstrations, marks a significant step in validating RESPONDENT’s cutting-edge solutions for power generation forecasting.

A Glimpse into the Future of Solar Power Forecasting

The Athens pilot is designed to test and validate an advanced AI/ML-based forecasting algorithm developed by the partners of the RESPONDENT project. This technology aims to enhance the accuracy of predicting solar power generation, a critical component for optimizing the use of renewable energy sources under the auspices of the European Green Deal. The demonstration will utilize KIEFER’s solar park, which boasts a capacity of 20 kWp and an impressive annual output of 1.4 MWh/KWp over a sprawling 5000m² area.

How It Works

Central to the pilot is the integration of the project coordinator FINT’s (Future Intelligence Ltd) IoT-based weather stations, which have been strategically installed across the solar park. These stations offer the benefit of providing real-time weather data, which is crucial for the AI/ML forecasting algorithm. The system will leverage this data to refine its predictions, enhancing the accuracy of solar power output forecasts under varying weather conditions.

The pilot will also take advantage of the Copernicus Earth Observation (EO) Climate and Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). This European space technology will supply essential atmospheric data, further improving the precision of the forecasting models. By incorporating such advanced technologies, the pilot aims to demonstrate how European space capabilities can significantly advance renewable energy forecasting.

Significance and Anticipation

According to Project Coordinator Effie Makri, “This pilot is a pivotal moment for RESPONDENT; it allows us to showcase the advanced technology that we’ve been working on and developing since November of 2023, not to mention its potential to contribute to the EU Green Deal’s ambitious goals. By improving the accuracy of solar power generation forecasts, we can enhance the integration of renewable energy sources in the energy grid and reduce Europe’s reliance on fossil fuels.”

The event, which will bring together project partners, stakeholders, and industry leaders, both in-person and online, not only aims to highlight the technological advancements achieved by RESPONDENT, but also foster discussions on the future of renewable energy integration and utilization.

Invitation and Registration

The pilot demonstration is open to all interested stakeholders, end-users, media representatives, and other guests. For those interested in attending or learning more about the project, further details and registration information are available on the project’s website.

As RESPONDENT moves forward with this critical demonstration, the project is set to provide valuable insights and technological advancements that will help shape the future of renewable energy in Europe.


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