

GreenGo gets approval for first solar PV plant in Italy’s Friuli-Venezia Giulia region

GreenGo has announced the completion of the administrative procedures necessary for the Simple Permit Procedure (PAS) for its Marianne solar PV plant in San Daniele del Friuli in northern Italy and the resulting declaration of eligibility from the Municipality of San Daniele del Friuli.
GreenGo gets approval for first solar PV plant in Italy’s Friuli-Venezia Giulia region
Courtesy of GreenGo.

The PAS notice was published in the Region's Official Bulletin (BUR) on April 18th, GreenGo's first significant milestone in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region and consolidating the company’s presence in northern Italy.

“We are happy to set our first flag in Friuli-Venezia Giulia with the Marianne project” said Giovanna La Piana, Head of Permit at GreenGo. “This result is an important step in our geographic expansion in the Italian peninsula, which will continue in the coming months to better diversify the distribution of plants not only by technology but also by geography given the regulatory instability we have been experiencing recently in regions such as Sardinia where our company has decided not to operate.”

GreenGo thus achieves a concrete result in the ninth region of Italy, aiming to further strengthen its presence in the north-east and continuing to work, day by day, to exceed expectations in the field of renewable energies, driving development and initiating the construction of utility-scale plants that respect the environment and contribute to decarbonisation and the reduction of CO2 emissions.

“We firmly believe that the development of renewables for the Italian energy transition must be underpinned by a stable regulatory framework that promotes technologies with a positive impact on reducing the cost of electricity for the system and consumers” added Fabio Amico, Business Development Director, GreenGo. “Our focus now shifts to the PNRR Agrivoltaics call for tenders opening in June, where we aim to nominate several projects.”

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