The new offerings, accessed for free on the website of America Project the Sun. The tools assist in calculating the power of a system to meet the annual energy needs of a building and the search for companies providing PV, respectively.
The two products have gained features that facilitate use. In the case of map providers, the main enhancement is the creation of a search engine that lets the user search for a specific company.
At the same time, there are two search options intended to enhance usability: using keywords or advanced search filters, allowing you to filter the companies by state, city, services offered, experience in Brazil and international experience.
The map can be accessed Information about each company or professional are the sole responsibility of the latter, as well as services that may be provided.
A company the user want to be part of the map can link to register in
Since its launch in December last year, 216 companies throughout the country have added their presence to the map.
The solar simulator was originally released in March to help the people to have their own photovoltaic microgenerator. The tool is based on the rules of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) that facilitates connection to the distribution network and microgenerators mini electric from renewable sources - Resolution 482/2012.
The newest enhancement to the simulator is the tab "Invoice Electricity" which shows that the consumer will reduce the electricity bill by installing a photovoltaic system.
Additionally, the tab "Summary of Simulation" received more technical details. A box was created to highlight the data on the photovoltaic scaled. There, you can find information as approximate inclination of the modules, the modules and radiation on annual income.
In addition to the technical details, a link that directs users to the technical standards for grid connection of the distributor informed facilitates user access to specific information for the concession area of the consumer. In "Power Consumption detailed" column reports that the consumption of months has been simplified.
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