Organised by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and PV CYCLE, the European Association for Voluntary Take-Back and Recycling of Photovoltaic Modules, the “2nd International Conference on PV Module Recycling” will take place on 25 January 2011 in Madrid (Spain) with the institutional support of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Renowned experts will analyse the benefits of module recycling, recent technology development as well as its financial viability and ways to stimulate cost reduction by increasing end-of-life collection and recycling. Presenters will include key names from some of the most important PV manufacturers and recycling companies in Europe. This year, one of the sessions will be dedicated exclusively to existing take-back and recycling schemes outside of Europe, namely Japan, India and China. This conference is supported by the International Energy Agency PVPS Task 12.
In 2009, more than 200 participants attended the first edition of the PV module recycling conference that took place in Berlin. They had the opportunity to discuss about the state-of-the-art PV module recycling technologies and processes. Representatives from other relevant sectors (e.g. electronics, glass, lamps, etc.) shared their experiences and synergies, which could be applied to PV module recycling.
For the preliminary programme of the conference, please click here.
PV CYCLE was founded in July 2007 to implement a voluntary take-back and recycling programme for end-of-life PV modules. The members of PV CYCLE currently represent close to 90% of the European photovoltaic market. Their goal is to provide clean and renewable energy as well as to embrace the principle of producer responsibility and thereby make the photovoltaic industry DoubleGreen.
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