
Innova energises new solar farm at Stokeford Solar Park near Bournemouth

Innova has anounced that on Wednesday 31st July this year it energised Stokeford Solar Park, located around 15 kilometres to the southwest of Bournemouth in Dorset, consisting of a solar plant with a capacity of 28.5 MWp. 
Innova energises new solar farm at Stokeford Solar Park near Bournemouth
Courtesy of Innova.

With over a decade long successful track record in the renewables industry, Stokeford Solar Farm is the third site in Innova’s current portfolio to be energised, with Carn Nicholas in Swansea being the first in early 2023, and Bicker Fen (previously Manor Farm) the second in March this year.

Alongside Carn Nicholas and Bicker Fen, Stokeford Solar Park was awarded a Contract for Difference (CfD) by the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in 2022, furthering its support for the UK’s transition towards Net Zero.

“We are delighted to announce that Stokeford Solar and Alaska Wind Farm were successfully powered to the SSE network, exporting and are currently undergoing final commissioning checks” said Tom Cooledge, Investment Director, Innova. “The shared grid connection between the two complementary renewable energy technologies represented some unique technical and commercial complexities. These were professionally managed by our engineering team and project partners to reach this significant project milestone. We are proud to have delivered our first multi-generation grid connection, which we hope to leverage across our future project portfolio.”

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