
Isofotón, Endesa and the Andalusian government to build the first Spanish polysilicon plant in Cádiz

The new Los Barrios-based factory, which will be the world's seventh, will need an investment of 250 million euros and will create 340 new high-qualification jobs. The Innovation, Science and Business Department of the Andalusian Government (Junta de Andalucía), Isofotón and Endesa Generación have agreed on a joint project to build Spain's first polysilicon plant in Los Barrios (Cádiz), according to Francisco Vallejo, the Department's Counselor.

The project, first of its class in Spain and seventh globally, will require an investment of 250 million euros. The production capacity will be 2,500 tonnes of solar grade polysilicon.

The plant, which is expected to create 340 high-qualification jobs, will be built on a 100,000 square meter area in Los Barrios.

This plant will give Andalusia raw material production capacity, which will not only advance in the supply chain, but it will also promote more ambitious expansive and technological strategies without having to rely on external suppliers.

Currently, said Mr Vallejo, the global production of PV cells is concentrated in Japan (48%), Europe (27%) and USA (11%), and Isofotón, an Andalusian firm, is ninth in the world and second in Europe.

Solar-related silicon consumption in 2004 reached 13,000 tonnes, and is expected to get to 150,000 tonnes by 2015, according to Mr Vallejo, who also highlighted the important role of the new Andalusian plant in a moment in which 90% of the solar cells are based in silicon, hence creating big supply bottlenecks.

Andalusia currently has a PV industry which is one of the leading ones in Europe. The union of Isofotón and Endesa Generación for this project is related to Isofotón leadership in the production of panels. The utility will ensure the electricity supply, which is really high for this type of facility.

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