
Last Three DUO Machines Shipped to Midsummer's Italian factory

Swedish solar energy leader Midsummer shipped the final three of its DUO machines for the manufacturing of thin film solar cells from Sweden to Italy. The DUOs are made at Midsummer’s factory in Järfälla. When they arrive in Midsummer's Bari factory the production facility will have a complete 10 DUO machines and start of production is near.
Last Three DUO Machines Shipped to Midsummer
Courtesy of Midsummer

With these three DUO machines the Italian factory – which will be the largest in Europe for the production of thin film solar cells – will be ready for start of automated production in the first quarter of 2024.

The 45 ton automated module line is also presently in the process of being shipped from Sweden by truck to Bari, where it will arrive and be installed in January. A fourth DUO machine was shipped in early December.

”It is rewarding to come nearer the completion of the Italian factory that will soon mass produce light-weight solar panels for the European market,” comments Midsummer’s CEO Sven Lindström.

Midsummer DUO is a turnkey production system for the mass production of durable, bendable and cadmium-free thin-film solar cells (CIGS) with a minimal CO2 footprint. With a compact design intended for high capacity, operational reliability and superior material use, the unique DUO system has taken the position as the most widespread production system for bendable thin film solar cells in the world. 

When fully operational, the factory in Bari can produce 50 MW of solar cells per year, making it the largest of its kind in Europe. Midsummer Italia has already signed letters of intent for two-thirds of the Italian factory's maximum production capacity with seven national players in construction and roofing. 

For the construction of the factory in Italy, Midsummer received a grant from the Italian state totaling approximately SEK 240 million, of which approximately SEK 75 million has already been paid out.

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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