
LONGi Paves the Way for a Solar Future with Commitments to Clean Energy at COP28

LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has concluded an active visit to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP28 summit. During the annual event, LONGi announced several major partnerships and new initiatives, including a pioneering three-year partnership with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to transform the agency's logistics hub into solarized facilities.
LONGi Paves the Way for a Solar Future with Commitments to Clean Energy at COP28
Courtesy of LONGi

"The Conclusion of COP28 marks the beginning of a transformative journey for LONGi and new partners as we jointly champion sustainable development, energy equity, and environmental resilience on a global scale," said Li Zhenguo, LONGi's founder and president.

"LONGi strives to be a key player in addressing climate challenges and fostering a more eco-friendly and equitable future through both research and development of solar technology and in our partnerships and sustainability commitments."

 The need to embrace renewable energy across all nations was front and center at the summit. Some 123 countries signed the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, which pledges to "triple the world's installed renewable energy generation capacity to at least 11,000 GW by 2030". As a part of the pledge, nations also committed to putting "the principle of energy efficiency as the "first fuel" at the core of policymaking, planning, and major investment decisions."

Throughout the event, LONGi's activities reinforced the opportunity solar offers to all countries and the company's position as a leader in sustainable development through clean energy to deliver affordable solar power at scale. Leaders from the company shared LONGi's vision to implement sustainable development and its "energy equity" commitment, including an initiative of "Green Power+ Green Hydrogen" to make the world carbon-neutral.

LONGi shared examples of how the company is promoting "energy equity" in developing countries and provided insights from groundbreaking solar projects in Saudi Arabia and Qatar that showcase the potential for clean energy transformation in the Middle East.

Also in alignment with the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, LONGi published its third climate action white paper at COP28. In it, LONGi reports it slashed operational emissions per revenue unit by nearly 40 percent in 2022, demonstrating a significant reduction in emissions is possible with investment in clean energy.

Additionally, the report highlights how 47 percent of LONGi's total electricity consumption is now sourced from sustainable alternatives, eliminating approximately 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, LONGi has also pledged to achieve a 100 percent annual sourcing of renewable electricity through 2028 to 2030, showcasing a steadfast commitment to sustainable energy practices.

"This is a critical juncture, demanding a collective effort from individuals, governments, and businesses alike to tackle the challenge of climate change," said Li Zhenguo. "Solar energy will continue to play a crucial role, and LONGi is ready to answer the call by not only meeting the demands of the present but also addressing the challenges of tomorrow."

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