
Nanosolar, to build the world's largest solar PV cell manufacturing plant

With the help of Google Inc. co-founders, Nanosolar, a nano-PV-cell manufacturer, has announced plans to build "the world's largest manufacturing plant" dedicated to this technology. The new center, which will be located in the San Francisco Bay area, will produce around 430 MW of cells annually, or 200 million cells. Sergey Brin y Larry Page, Google co-founders, will finance the project, althought the specific amount has not been revealed. However, Nanosolar has indeed confirmed that the total amount is around $100 m.

Nanotechnology is applied in PV to produce ultra-thin cells, as much as1,000 times thinner than human hair. Although its efficiency is far lower than a conventional silicon cell's, nanotechnology companies state that the cost is as low that it could be around $1/watt, compared with $5+/watt in conventional systems.

Nanosolar's bid, and its decision to set up a production center in San Francisco, arises from California's initiative to promote the installation of 3,000 PV megawatts by 2017..

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Tags: Solar , PV , Efficiency
Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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