
New concept for “ultimate sunroof enjoyment” unveiled

Roof-integrated photovoltaic systems represent a particularly effective way of generating electricity due to the fact that they replace the normal roofing materials. Schott Solar announced today that its Schott AdvanceInDaX solar roof has gotten even better because Velux has developed a window designed to fit into these types of roofs just perfectly.
New concept for “ultimate sunroof enjoyment” unveiled

Both Schott Solar and Velux are committed to offering homeowners more elegant ways to use the energy from the sun to generate electricity and achieve healthier indoor climates. The new window designed specifically for use with Schott Solar’s AdvanceInDaX system was presented for the first time ever at Intersolar Europe in Munich and turned out to be of great interest to those who attended the exhibition. Shipping of the integrated window is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2012.

The Velux window fits into the Schott Solar AdvanceInDaX system seamlessly at every position. In developing its roof window, Velux made use of seal-less Schott Solar InDaX technology. It also includes an adapter piece based on the unique frame technology used in the Schott AdvanceInDaX series that fits between the Velux roof window and the surrounding PV modules. A permanent rain-resistant solution can thus be achieved here too.

“By working together with leading vendors like Velux, we are hoping to come up with new ways of offering our customers high-quality solar solutions that meet even the highest standards,” says Stefan Hergott, Director of Product Management at Schott Solar. “We plan to continue expanding our product range in ways that make good sense by collaborating more closely with best of class companies,” he adds. By cooperating with Velux, Schott Solar is convinced that new roof windows can be included in roof planning more effectively from the very beginning and be installed more easily.

Commenting on the collaboration, Petra Schumacher, Marketing Manager at Velux Germany notes: “Carbon dioxide emissions from buildings can be reduced by combining energy efficiency with a healthy indoor climate and by relying on renewable energy. By helping homeowners to combine solar panels with energy-efficient Velux windows, we are helping them to reduce emissions and benefit from a healthy indoor climate without having to make any sacrifices when it comes to the overall appearance of their homes.”

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Schott Solar

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