Based on a survey of 486 utilities the report, “Utilities and Electric Vehicles: Evolving to unlock grid value,” states that nearly 75 percent were either in the early stages of planning for EV market growth or had yet to start developing strategies or programs. The utilities surveyed provide power to about 70 percent of all residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the United States.
“Utilities have a key role to play in EV market growth, as providers of ‘fuel’ -- electricity -- as a platform for charging infrastructure, and as a leader in standards development and consumer education,” said Erika Myers, SEPA’s Director of Research and lead author on the report. “Yet, our research shows that the situation right now is similar to what we saw with the growth of distributed solar. If predictions are correct, many utilities will be caught unprepared, with few ready to take full advantage of this new demand by leveraging EVs as a grid asset.”
Other key findings in the report include:
The report also highlights examples of utility programs across the country, reflecting different stages of EV program development. San Diego Gas & Electric has one of the highest total number of EV programs and activities accounted for in the research. The utility’s Power Your Drive program allows customers in apartments and condominiums, or at businesses, to access charging stations that use an EV rate that is based on actual, day-ahead hourly pricing. Customers can use a phone app to enter their time preferences, giving them the option to save money by charging during the lowest-price hours of the day.
“Utilities and Electric Vehicles: Evolving to unlock grid value” is available for free download here. The primary data from the survey results will be available to SEPA members.