The study shows that solar farms can have positive impacts on a range of plant and animal species, particularly broad leaved plants, grasses, butterflies, bumblebees and birds. The report tested and confirmed a growing body of anecdotal evidence that solar farms can actively benefit local wildlife and further validates advice given by biodiversity specialists, such as the BRE National Solar Centre Biodiversity Guidance for Solar Developments. This in turn demonstrates that solar PV can be combined with agricultural activity such as grazing while also benefitting the natural health of the surrounding area.
The report, entitled The Effects of Solar Farms on Local Biodiversity: A Comparative Study, was carried out by ecological consultants Clarkson & Woods and Wychwood Biodiversity. It examines 11 solar farms in England and Wales alongside neighbouring control plots. According to its authors, the study represents the most comprehensive UK research carried out in this field so far.
“We’re delighted with the findings of this survey” said Leonie Green of the Solar Trade Association (STA). “It confirms that solar farms, when done properly, are an asset to our countryside and our natural environment. It also reaffirms the best practice standards our members have set out in our ‘10 Commitments for Solar Farms’. By adhering to these standards solar farms can enhance the ecological value of the land and encourage land diversification.”
Paul Barwell, CEO of the STA, added that the STA has established its new Operations and Maintenance Working Group to ensure that the industry looks after its assets in the best possible way. O&M is a key part of ensuring not just asset optimisation but also ensuring high standards in health and safety as well as land management. Solar is low maintenance but not zero maintenance.
At each of the 11 sites selected for the study, various methods of land management were being used, including seeding sites with a diverse seed mix, limiting the use of herbicides, conservation grazing or mowing and management of marginal habitats for wildlife. The level of benefit to biodiversity in each case is dependent on the management being carried out – the stronger the focus is on wildlife management the more effective it is. In this way, solar farms provide a ‘mosaic’ of meadow habitat and important foraging grounds and shelter for many species.
The report goes on to suggest that the findings are not only beneficial for wildlife but could also provide important ecosystem services for people and agriculture. For example, solar farms can promote the health of surrounding crops, such as cereals, vegetables, soft fruits and orchard fruits, by acting as net producers of pollinating insects, which are currently in decline across the UK. This is in addition to the high value solar energy they generate.
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