
Opinion: How Photovoltaics can Change a Region

By Antonio Delgado Rigal, CEO of AleaSoft
Opinion: How Photovoltaics can Change a Region
Courtesy of AleaSoft

The photovoltaic resource has a great future in southern Europe. The regions of the southern part of the European continent can become developed areas with knowledge-based industries in the future thanks to photovoltaic energy.

Some people are born in a poor country, others in a rich country. Some are born in a region with a high level of education or in one with very few resources. What determines the destiny of a country or a region? One important factor is well-managed natural resources, as well as investments in infrastructure and and education. Can a poor country change in a few years thanks to well-managed natural resources? The answer is yes.

Let’s look at Dubai as an example. Thanks to the oil fields, the country has taken a leap into the future from the depths of poverty. A country with well-managed energy resources has unlimited potential for advancement.

Advancements in photovoltaic technology have been lowering the price of solar panels until they have reached the threshold of profitability, now able to sell the energy directly to the market without incentives.

The southern regions of Europe are generally the least developed. However, nature has provided them with the best energy resource, solar energy. Thanks to photovoltaic technology and the large number of hours of sunshine in the south of the continent, more than 2,000 hours, southern Europe is an inexhaustible mine of clean energy.

Together with wind and hydroelectric energy, photovoltaic energy will eventually replace polluting fossil energies, first coal and then gas. They will someday replace nuclear energy. Fortunately a cleaner future is possible. The electricity obtained from clean renewable sources will replace the rest of the energy in all areas: industry, domestic and transport.

The use of hydrogen will be extended in internal combustion engines and as an energy source in electrochemical cells. The transport of the near future will be electric, with batteries or hydrogen batteries. A cleaner atmosphere will be achieved creating cities without air pollution and transport noise.

What will happen to energy prices? It can be thought that a technology that uses photovoltaic solar energy, with increasingly low prices and also low maintenance costs, will cause the market price of electricity to fall. At AleaSoft we believe that in the next 20 years a market balance will be maintained in Europe. The renewable energies will be replacing the non-renewable but also the electricity demand will increase. In Spain, according to an analysis performed by Red Eléctrica, for each million electric cars the demand will increase by one percent. But in the case of transport, we are not only talking about electric cars, but all kinds of land and sea electric transport. The ships of the future will have hydrogen as fuel that is manufactured with electricity.

A new industry requires a lot of energy: the knowledge industry, artificial intelligence, massive servers, cloud-based systems, blockchain, big data, in short, the main industry of the future.

In the same way that Dubai, thanks to energy, has become a world reference for development, in the photovoltaic revolution many regions of the world are going to have an opportunity to grow and develop. In Southern Europe, all the conditions are settled so that the most disadvantaged regions can participate in this inexhaustible mine of energy resources.

European, national and regional administrations should encourage investments in renewable energy, mainly photovoltaics.

For Information: AleaSoft

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