
Phönix SonnenStrom opens a branch in Spain

German engineering firm Phönix SonnenStrom has opened a subsidiary in Spain, called Phönix Energía Solar. Its mission will be "to extend the sales activities existing in Spain so as to develop the Portuguese market, according to the latest company's press release "We expect that sales in the Iberian Peninsula during the next years will significantly contribute towards Phönix SonnenStrom's global sales", said the company in a press release.

The company has explained that the decisive factor for its arrival in Spain has been the 436/2004 Royal Decree, which established the current tariffs for PV solar retribution in Spain. Currently, Phönix SonnenStrom has a market share of  8% in the Spanish market, according to the firm.

The branch will be managed by Mr Francisco Conesa Cervantes, with 15 years of experience at BP Solar.

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Tags: Spain , Solar , PV
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