The comprehensive “SET For 2020” study commissioned by the world’s largest industry association devoted to the solar PV electricity market explores different deployment scenarios. The research has found that under business-as-usual conditions, PV power should supply between 4% and 6% of Europeans’ electricity needs by 2020. However, PV power could supply as much as 12% of EU electricity demand by 2020 – up from less than 1% at present – if more favourable conditions are established by European policy makers, regulators and the energy sector as a whole.
“PV electricity generation will already be competitive in parts of southern Europe by next year,” said Dr. Winfried Hoffmann, EPIA president. “The study shows that under the 12% scenario, PV electricity will be competitive with other power sources in as much as 75% of the EU electricity market by 2020, without any form of external price support or subsidy.”
The study presents a unique combination of facts, figures and analysis, showing that boosting the share of PV electricity will present Europe with significant social and economic benefits. PV electricity is the fastest-growing renewable energy technology and costs are expected to drop faster than those of other electricity sources.
“Europe now needs to recognise the important role PV power can play in meeting its energy sustainability goals,” explained Adel El Gammal, EPIA secretary general. “The PV industry is committed to delivering energy technology that is sustainable and competitive on a large scale. We are calling on political and regulatory decision makers and on the energy sector to support PV deployment without delay.”
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