
PV CYCLE members will initiate PV module take-back and recycling program in 2010

The members of PV CYCLE agreed at their Extraordinary General Assembly, held during the 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition in Hamburg (Germany) last week, to initiate PV module take-back and recycling in 2010.

The association PV CYCLE, which comprises European manufacturers and importers of PV modules representing approximately 85% of the European photovoltaic market, was founded in July 2007 to implement the PV industry’s commitment to recycle end-of-life modules. This week, PV CYCLE members approved the 2010 operating budget, new statutes and by-laws to fund and implement the PV module take-back and recycling programme starting in 2010.

“The overwhelming endorsement of the 2010 operating budget, new statutes and by-laws by the members of PV CYCLE represents a key milestone in implementing the PV industry’s voluntary commitment to collect and recycle modules at end-of-life” stated Karsten Wambach, PV CYCLE’s President. “The PV industry is committed to be “double green” by not only providing clean and renewable energy to address climate change but also to ensure that the solutions to climate change today don’t pose a waste management issue for future generations.”

Jan Clyncke, Managing Director of PV CYCLE, stated: “The actions taken today are a significant milestone toward the implementation of a voluntary take-back and recycling program for the PV industry. Such an agreement will represent for the first time that an industry sector in Europe has organised itself on a voluntary basis to ensure collection and recycling of its products at end-of-life. I am extremely pleased to lead an industry organisation with such foresight and commitment to ‘Making the photovoltaic industry DoubleGreen.’”

PV CYCLE will be issuing requests for tender for both collection and recycling services in advance of its 2010 implementation.

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