

Q-Cells completes 9 MW first phase of Zerbst PV plant, sells phase two

Q-Cells SE has completed the first, 9 MW phase of a 46MW solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in Zerbst, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, and has sold the second, 12 MW phase of the plant to Berlin (Germany)-based MCG Management Capital Group GmbH.
Q-Cells completes 9 MW first phase of Zerbst PV plant, sells phase two

The latter phase is still under development, the company said.

Q-Cells, which is headquartered in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany, is developing the Zerbst PV plant with GETEC AG, which is leasing the site for the plant on a former military base. The construction of the plant will take place in five phases.

“The new solar power plant is ‘Saxony-Anhalt pure’," said Saxony-Anhalt Premier Dr. Reiner Haseloff at a ceremony celebrating the completion of the plant. "It stands for a climate-friendly energy supply in this State and for strengthening the domestic solar and environmental sector.”

More than 200 guests attended the ceremony, at which Haseloff symbolically turned on the switch to start the flow of solar energy into the local grid operated by E.ON Avacon.

As a sub-project of a large solar park, a total of five subsystems have an overall capacity of around 46 MWp.

As the general contractor, Q-Cells built the solar park and installed 51,696 crystalline solar modules on an area of 28 hectares. MCG Group has also commissioned Q-Cells for the long-term technical operation, maintenance and repair of the photovoltaic system.

For additional information:

Q-Cells Solar Park announcement

Q-Cells MCG announcement

Tags: Solar , Germany , PV , Photovoltaic , Grid
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