
RatedPower launches innovative financial and comparison tool for optimising solar PV plants

RatedPowerhas launched its new interface equipped with state of the art financial automation after months of engineering and software development.
RatedPower launches innovative financial and comparison tool for optimising solar PV plants

Digitisation is currently transforming the entire energy industry value chain by reducing costs and making clean energy more competitive. Continuous innovation and efficiency gains continues to transform the solar energy sector in particular, deriving from the fusion of engineering and technology.

According to a Meticulous Research forecast published in June, the digital transformation market will be worth $3,294 billion by 2025 marked by a compound annual growth rate of 22.7 percent from 2019.

RatedPower, aiming to stay ahead of the game, has launched a new 2.0 interface that is faster, more intuitive and, even easier to use.The new Financial Tool allows the user to create price templates which will be saved privately and used by the algorithm to automatically calculate the CAPEX and LCOE of all the projects simulated in pvDesign.

Additionally, another key new feature, the Comparison Tool, allows pvDesign’s clients to easily compare designs side by side with the desired parameters and sort them according to their preferences.

Planning and estimating costs properly is imperative in any engineering project. What’s more, modifications on a project may be cheap when requested early in the design process and very expensive when requested in the final stages of approval and construction.

Additionally, flexibility and rapidness are key to reducing plant design and construction costs and thus being able to use a software that automates and optimises the design of solar plants from the initial feasibility analysis to a complete evaluation might be just the key to a successful project.

The new RatedPower has been designed to be one step closer to being the One Tool to automate and optimise the design of solar plants from the initial feasibility analysis to a complete evaluation including topography, civil and electrical layout, meteorological analysis, energy yield, financial assessment and documentation generation.

These financial and comparison tools have been frequently demanded by solar experts in order to be able to quickly estimate the specific price or cost per Watt peak and the cost per MW/h of a given design.

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Tags: Solar , PV , Efficiency
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