Steven Novack is Advisory Scientist at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and led the research team including INL engineer Dale Kotter, W. Dennis Slafer of MicroContinuum, and Patrick Pinhero, responsible for this exciting new technology.
In this interview, Renewable Energy Magazine asks Steven to explain more about his solar nanoantenna electromagnetic collectors, which he estimates will be commercially available within "a 5-10 year time period in some form".
Steven also gives his views on the current climate for R&D that pushes the boundaries of renewable energy technologies. "I am both excited at the prospect of using my knowledge and capabilities to solve some very challenging human problems in the quest for renewable energy solutions, and I feel an immense pride in the opportunity to do so. I also feel that, until recently, the US has not been performing the leadership role in renewable energy R&D to our fullest ability and that it should not have taken an economic crisis to shift our priorities. In some ways the future is slightly brighter for scientists in the US since we are spending more on R&D then in the past," he says.
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