SolaMaps, a subsidiary of Yamarna Enterprises Pty Ltd., grew out of the feasibility study that showed people wanted a social network dedicated to small-scale, home style renewable energy.
When members join the network (membership in which is free of charge), their chosen avatar will be placed on their location on the website’s interactive map. Alternate avatars differentiate those with PV solar and solar hot water systems, while the site’s chat forum allows members to communicate on solar matters and a wide variety of other renewable energy topics.
“SolaMaps is not only an opportunity for people with solar systems to connect with each other, but it celebrates the widespread use of solar power and shows how this clean energy source is increasingly becoming part of everyday our lives,” said Steve Ewings, the social network’s developer.
"Recent analysis by the International Energy Agency found that solar electricity could represent 20 percent to 25 percent of global electricity production by 2050, and there is potential for home PV systems to produce a significant share of any country's electricity," Ewings continued.
"Collectively, home solar installations add up to some serious energy production, and we want these little power producers to have a voice. SolaMaps represents a solar drop that can quickly build into an energy storm," he said.
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