
Solar payphones already in the streets

Oleiros (A Coruña) has, from yesterday, Spain's first solar payphon. It is completely autonomous, not needing any cabling. The phone only uses solar energy and will be available 365 days a year. The payphone has been installed by Telemo Comunicación, a A Coruña-based company that has several business lines, one of which is solar energy. Indeed, Telemo sells thermodynamic solar cells under the Solar PST brand.

In the inauguration act held yesterday the company was accompanied by member of the local government so as the Director of Galicia's Energy Agency (INEGA).

The payphone, which has a solar panel on its structure, will be able to solve many of the communication issues that had no solution so far. This system will make possible the installation of payphones of non-popolated or ecologically sensitive areas, such as beaches or mountains, since it needs no cabling whatsoever, thus reducing its environmental impact.

The calls are done in a similar way as they are today done from cellphone, but with no extra cost for the users. The price and the sound quality will be the same as those from conventional payphones, with the clear advantage of being able to place these solar payphones wherever they are needed.

For additional information:
Tel: 902 922 030

Tags: Solar , Spain
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