
Solar-powered base stations wins Orange and Tenesol prestigious telecoms innovation award

Tenesol, the global solar power provider owned by energy giants Total and EDF, and telecoms giant Orange have won the Best Wireless Network Infrastructure Innovation award at the Global Telecoms Business Innovation Awards 2010 (GTBIA). The award recognises Tenesol’s partnership in Oryx, the Orange solar base station programme that provides reliable and sustainable telecoms equipment to rural locations in Africa and the Middle East.

This programme involves standardised mobile base stations whose design matches solar radiation levels and local population needs. This innovative solution set out to reduce operating costs, improve the quality of Orange services and develop sustainable telecoms products that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Tenesol, who has been working with Orange for many years, was asked to design and manufacture a cost-effective solar-powered base station specifically for rural areas.

Orange approached Tenesol to participate in the programme due to the company’s strong experience in Africa, as Tenesol started out in Africa, providing off-grid solar systems in rural locations. This asset was perfect preparation for the Orange solar deployment and the challenges of rural installation where accessibility, terrain and climate are major issues to overcome. Today, Tenesol has more than 26 years’ experience in designing, manufacturing and installing photovoltaic solutions. It operates through 20 international subsidiaries, four of which are located in Africa (Senegal, South Africa, Madagascar and Morocco).

More than 900 solar-powered base stations

The Orange solar programme began in Senegal in 2007 with a trial of 35 base stations. Once deemed a success, the programme was rolled out in other Orange countries and in 2008 it became Orange’s global blueprint for the creation of off-grid telecoms sites in Africa and the Middle East.

Since its launch, the programme covers more than 900 solar-powered base stations manufactured, supplied and installed by Tenesol in 13 countries.

The PV panels used in the programme are made at Tenesol’s production plant in Cape Town, South Africa - the ideal location to supply the Orange programme while ensuring carbon emissions from transport are kept to a minimum. The Cape Town plant has a production capacity of 85 MWp, which contributes to Tenesol’s global production capacity that recently increased to 170 MWp per year.

“The entire team dedicated to the Orange solar programme is very proud of the work we have achieved with Orange and we are delighted to receive this award,” says Jacques Mathan, export sales director at Tenesol. “The reliability and efficiency of PV systems mean they are an effective solution to the renewable energy needs of the telecoms industry. The Orange programme is a prime example of Tenesol’s commitment to innovation. We will build on the success of this challenging project and continue to develop innovative solutions for our customers worldwide.”

Held in London on 7 June 2010, the GTBIA are the telecom industries most prestigious innovation awards.

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