Both Spire and Martifer are fully satisfied with the performance of the Portuguese company’s PV factory. The fully automated turnkey module manufacturing line uses robotic systems for material handling and processing.
Mr. Leandro Bento, Factory Manager of Martifer Solar, said, “It is complex to establish a high-tech automated factory. We are pleased with the support that we received from Spire to reach our designated goals and to achieve unequivocal acceptance. This line makes Martifer Solar one of the most efficient manufacturers in the solar industry and we are proud to have completed our first two MW of PV module production.”
Mr. Roger G. Little, Chairman and CEO of Spire Corporation, stated, “This line is completely automated, making it one of the most advanced module factories in the world. We combined Spire’s process knowledge with our state of the-art manufacturing equipment and the latest in robotics and automation. The result is a high speed, high yield cost effective production line producing top quality PV modules.”
Spire has successfully automated the steps that are typically performed manually, including: automation of string bussing, encapsulate trimming, module framing, junction box attachment, hi-pot testing and module simulation characterisation. Spire subcontracted KUKA Systems GmbH in Germany to provide engineering expertise and develop the quality robots required for this project.
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