
TerniEnergia to complete nine new PV installations in Italy with a total capacity of 10 MWp by end of September

TerniEnergia, one of the main PV systems installers in Italy, has announced that it will complete the construction of nine industrial PV installations by the end of September.

By the third quarter, upon completion of the installations the company will have achieved its industrial goals for 2009.

Of the nine installations, with a total capacity of 10 MWp, five are assigned to two joint ventures with Edf Energies Nouvelles Italia for the production and sales of electrical energy from solar sources, with a total capacity of 6 MWp, while the remaining four are being constructed on behalf of third parties (4 MWp).

Seven of the new installations are located in Puglia, one in Marche and one in Umbria, and on completion, will mean that the company has met all of its industrial goals set for the whole of 2009 by the end of the third quarter.

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Tags: PV , Solar
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