
Thin film myth-busting with Inventux

Increasing competitiveness is a top priority for the thin-film industry this year, as the raw material price advantage it had been enjoying over its crystalline silicon rivals is now significantly reduced. While raising module efficiencies and lowering production costs are the obvious responses to this challenge, another key battle is to win over the sceptics of the technology.
Thin film myth-busting with Inventux

At the 3rd Thin Film Solar Summit Europe (March 3-4, Berlin), German company Inventux will be fighting the corner for its silicon-based thin film, and explaining that manufacturers now need to get together to fight against the myth that the best times for thin film are over, and educate the market further on the advantages of their products.

Inventux specialise in micromorph thin-film technology, which is an advancement on the amorphous silicon strand. These modules are made using an amorphous and microcrystalline silicon layer. The tandem structure absorbs an especially wide spectrum of light, facilitates performance with diffused solarisation, and is particularly suitable for flat-inclined roofs. As a part of the ‘myth-busting session’ at the summit, Inventux is ready to demonstrate that the technology offers higher energy production returns than crystalline silicon (and other thin film technologies).

“When purchasing solar modules, many clients orientate themselves around theoretically determined efficiency levels in order to calculate future energy output,” explains Inventux. “The declared efficiency is based on simulated ‘Standard Test Conditions’ (STC), which are built purely on circumstances in the laboratory. Therefore, these parameters reflect real environmental conditions only to a limited extent. The average values in reality, that is to say ‘Most Frequent Conditions’ (MFC), lead to a significant change in output of the various module types. It is in this way that micromorph thin film modules are substantially more powerful under real conditions than crystalline modules.”

The ‘myth-busting’ panel will be one of the highlights of the 3rd Thin Film Solar Summit Europe. The event is looking to address the key challenges facing the thin film industry this year – most notably increasing competitiveness, optimising efficiencies and achieving bankability for the technology. Other panel sessions to feature include: An investor’s perspective, with Deutschebank, Credit Suisse and others; The challenge of crystalline silicon, with Schott, Oerlikon and others; and Asian competition, with Astronergy, Astonfield and Good Energies.

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Tags: Solar , Europe , Efficiency
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