
Trina Solar to get Polysilicon Supply from Wacker

Trina Solar, a Chinese solar PV firm, signed this week a long term agreement with Wacker Polysilicon, a subsidiary of Wacker Chemie AG. The agreement covers six years and has an estimated value of $ 120 m.

The Chinese firm, which is based in Changzhou, will start receiving the material in 2009, which would mean that the contract would initially last until 2015 or so. Throughout this period, the supply is expected to total enough silicon to produce 150 MW of photovoltaic modules.

"Trina Solar is very excited to have contracted a long-term supply agreement with Wacker and to be able to support an emerging leader in the polysilicon industry," said Mr. Jifan Gao, Trina Solar's Chairman and CEO. The company's "solid background and experience with high purity chemicals should contribute to the success of this project.", he added.

It is definitely a good sign for the industry to start seeing this type of long term deals, as often the solar PV market seems to be victim of a short-term euphoria and long term sickness due to the changing nature of the regulatory frameworks and support schemes in many countries.

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Tags: Solar , PV , Photovoltaic , Wind
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