The new map (which is available for free download here) shows the size and location of operational plants across the US and Canada, plants that are under construction and/or planned in both countries, and also lists utilities that have sign power purchase agreements for pre-operational facilities.
The 2nd Utility Scale PV Plant Optimisation Summit USA will be held 17-18 November 2011 in San Jose, California.
“The plants included in the map are the cornerstone of securing the future of utility scale PV in North America,” said Optization Summit Organizer Jack Aherne. “The November event is aimed at helping developers of these projects overcome the technical challenges faced in utility scale PV, to improve efficiency and lower costs”.
Among those scheduled to speak at the event are: Robert Jenkins, director -transmission & interconnection, First Solar ; Steve Hanawalt, vice president - O&M, SunPower ; Timothy Dierauf, Sr. manager performance, SunPower ; Kim Fiske Managing Director, Iberdrola; Wayne Mays, Director of Technical Services, Iberdrola; Forest Collins, Senior Systems Engineer, Juwi Solar; Dave Taggart, President and COO, Belectric; Evan Riley, Renewable Energy Consultant - PV Specialist, Black & Veatch; Rusty Sage, Senior Engineer, Gestamp Solar; John Curcio, Chief Commercial Officer, Cupertino Electric; Lori Mitchell, Renewable Generation Manager, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission; Elaine Sison-Lebrilla, Senior Project Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD); Kevin Dudney, Energy analyst, California Public Utilities Commission; and Jerald Hunter, Principal Analyst, Resource Planning and Development, Salt River Project.
At present the PV project pipeline in the two countries has exceeded 16.6 GW, and PV Insider believes overall capacity is set to grow more than 50 its current size by 2016.
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