In a letter sent on 26 April by Michael Köhler, Head of Cabinet of the Energy Commissioner, to Luis Crespo, President of Estela (the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association), to which Renewable Energy Magazine has had access, he stated that, " as already indicated on several occasions, the Commission recommends that the reforms to support renewable energy schemes are carried out following best practices across Europe".
The letter went on to warn that "states should avoid retroactive measures and work to minimise disruption and confusion for investors and market players, who are creating the growth and jobs we need during the current recession". Günther Oettinger’s letter was sent in response to two letters sent by the President of Estela to the EU Energy Commission in March.
"We are convinced that there are more adequate measures for structurally addressing the Spanish tariff deficit, while streamlining and increasing competition in the Spanish energy sector," said the Commissioner through his Head of Cabinet, ending with a warning: " Let me assure you that we are continuously monitoring the evolution of the energy policy in Spain in order to consider any measures that may be required by the EC or at EU level".
In the first letter sent Crespo sent to Oettinger , the Estela President and General Secretary of Protermosolar (Spain's CSP industry association) raised the concerns of the European association about the moratorium on renewables in Spain, while in the second, he highlighted the disquiet about the measures recommended by the Spanish National Energy Commission in relation to the solar thermal electric sector.
Luis Crespo will meet in person with the Commissioner this week to stress "the indispensable role that concentrating solar power (CSP) should play in a future emissions-free energy mix" and set out why "renewables and especially solar power are key to overcome the economic growth crisis in Europe and particularly in Spain".
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