Component and process standardisation is the hallmark of any established industry, but the solar thermal electric sector is still young and, thus far, has not been able to enjoy the benefits standardisation offers. The solar thermal electric trade association, Protermosolar, therefore requested that AENOR establish a specific group charged with developing common standards for the industry.
To this end, the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR-Solar Termoeléctrica) will incorporate a solar thermal electric subcommittee, which will report to the AENOR AEN/CTN 206 Committee for Electrical Energy Production.
The priority areas of this sub-committee included in its draft working paper (published on AENOR's website) will be to establish procedures for the standardisation of CSP plant components, paying special attention to solar field components, including aspects such as performance and durability, and the characterisation of storage media.
The subcommittee will also be responsible for establishing procedures for performing solar thermal electric plant feasibility studies, including methodology for calculating the output of the solar field; and standards for approving plants, specifically regarding the process for energy verification of plants and their key subsystems.
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