
Ascend Elements commits to Net-Zero Standard for GHG Emissions Reductions

Massachusetts-based battery materials company Ascend Elements has committed to setting robust emissions reduction targets at the pace and scale required by climate science and in accordance with the Paris Agreement goals.
Ascend Elements commits to Net-Zero Standard for GHG Emissions Reductions
Courtesy of Ascend Elements.

The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) has recognised Ascend Elements’ commitment to set near-term and net-zero company-wide emissions reductions in line with climate science. This is the first step in the company’s decarbonisation journey with SBTi.

Science-based targets show companies and financial institutions how much and how quickly they need to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to prevent the worst effects of climate change. Ascend Elements is currently developing science-based targets for review and validation by SBTi’s technical experts.

“We’re working to make EV battery materials more sustainable, which helps EV OEMs accelerate their net zero goals” said CEO Mike O’Kronley of Ascend Elements. “At the same time, we’re taking aggressive steps to achieve net zero in our own operations. Part of that involves setting science-based net zero targets that exceed the minimum requirements. The latest climate science sends a clear warning that we must dramatically curb temperature rise now to avoid catastrophic impacts for our children and grandchildren.”

By committing to set a science-based net-zero target aligned with SBTi requirements, Ascend Elements also becomes part of the United Nations’ Race to Zero campaign.

SBTi is a corporate climate action organisation that enables companies and financial institutions worldwide to play their part in combating the climate crisis. The organisation develops standards, tools and guidance which allows companies to set GHG emissions reductions targets in line with the Paris Agreement to keep global heating below catastrophic levels and reach net zero by 2050 at the latest. SBTi is incorporated as a charity with partners including CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the We Mean Business Coalition, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the WWF. 

Based in Westborough, Massachusetts, Ascend Elements is a leading provider of sustainable, closed-loop battery material solutions.

From EV battery recycling to commercial-scale production of lithium carbonate and NMC precursor (pCAM) and cathode active materials (CAM), Ascend Elements is aiming to revolutionise the production of sustainable lithium-ion battery materials. With this in mind, its Hydro-to-Cathode direct precursor synthesis technology has been designed to produce new CAM from spent lithium-ion cells more efficiently than traditional methods, resulting in improved economics and lowered GHG emissions.

For additional information:

Ascend Elements

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