
Econergy connects its first UK-based energy storage project 

Econergy Renewable Energy has announced that its Swangate (West Melton) battery energy storage project in Yorkshire, United Kingdom has been successfully connected to the grid.
Econergy connects its first UK-based energy storage project 
Swangate site. Courtesy of Econergy.

The project, which has an installed capacity of approximately 50 MW/102 MWh and is wholly owned by Econergy UK, is now supplying electricity to the grid. Phased electricity transmission has begun, and a full transmission is expected to be operational in the coming weeks.

This represents the first operational energy storage project of Econergy's 10.6 GWh pipeline of storage projects currently under development. Econergy is active in the energy storage sector in the UK and Poland and has recently expanded into Italy and Romania, where it is already a key player in the PV sector.

In the UK, Econergy has a substantial pipeline of 26 energy storage projects totaling approximately 6.8 GWh, including 15 co-location projects. The company is also developing 18 photovoltaic projects with a total capacity of 1.5 GW. Among these, the Dalmarnock storage project, with a capacity of 82 MWh, is currently under construction and is expected to be connected to the grid in the third quarter of 2025. Econergy anticipates to start construction on further energy storage and PV projects in the UK in 2024 and 2025.

For additional information:

Econergy Renewable Energy

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