
GridBeyond to provide BESS to Keppel DC REIT’s data centres in Ireland

GridBeyond will be delivering BESS solutions to Keppel DC Dublin 1 and 2, which are located at City West and Ballycoolin, Ireland respectively, to provide additional flexibility to the power system thus helping to integrate more renewable energy sources into the energy mix.
GridBeyond to provide BESS to Keppel DC REIT’s data centres in Ireland
Courtesy of GridBeyond.

The two data centres are owned by Keppel DC REIT, a Singapore listed pure-play data centre real estate investment trust (REIT).

The BESS will also help to support the grid in times of stress for the benefit of all consumers and will add 8 MW of flexible capacity to the grid ahead of the winter peak demand period.

“This project shows how data centres can play a bigger role in the energy transition” said GridBeyond Regional Director for Ireland Denver Blemings. “It’s great to see companies, like Keppel DC REIT, use demand response programmes to support the grid and use renewable energies in the delivery of their activities.”

The project includes the installation and management of a 2 x 2 MW/2.2 MWh battery at the Citywest site and a 4 MW/6.1 MWh battery at the Ballycoolin site. GridBeyond will manage the flexibility of the sites by connecting the batteries to its AI-powered energy technology platform, GridBeyond Point. Power from the batteries will be discharged in response to instructions from the grid operator to provide green power during times of grid stress. Historically, during times of grid stress, generation facilities, often carbon-intensive, are brought online to balance the grid. By capturing excess renewable energy from renewable sources that would otherwise be wasted the BESS will be able to provide lower carbon flexibility to the system when required.  

It is also estimated that the installation of the two batteries at the two data centres will deliver a reduction of 240,000 kg of CO2 per year, further advancing the two companies’ net zero agenda.

“Leveraging this partnership with GridBeyond, Keppel DC REIT’s is able to take another step towards our 2030 net zero targets” added Gary Watson, Country Manager (Ireland) of Keppel DC REIT. “We will also explore other ways to increase the use of renewable energy, such as installing on-site solar, to bolster our efforts to decarbonise our operations.”

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