
Holmston Farm Energy Storage Project unanimously approved by committee

RES has received planning consent to build a new energy storage project in south west Scotland, following South Ayrshire Council’s decision to unanimously approve the scheme, in line with the case officer’s recommendation.
Holmston Farm Energy Storage Project unanimously approved by committee
Courtesy of RES.

Holmston Farm Energy Storage System is situated on land currently used as a commercial Christmas tree farm, north-east of Holmston roundabout, Ayr. The new 49.9 MW facility will store electricity at times when generation exceeds demand, and release electricity back to the grid network when demand exceeds generation. It will facilitate the deployment of new wind, solar and other renewables, improving security of supply.

“We are very pleased that South Ayrshire Council has consented this carefully designed project which has been sited directly adjacent to the existing infrastructure of the Ayr substation, where the project will connect” said Rebecca Meek, RES’ Head of Energy Storage in the UK&I. “This decision allows Holmston Farm Energy Storage System to play its part in supporting the jobs and economic growth created by our energy transition, while ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the grid network.”

A detailed landscaping plan will provide a plentiful source of food and shelter for a range of wildlife. Measures such as the planting of new native woodland, species-rich grassland and the creation of a pond will provide significant biodiversity enhancement, and a biodiversity net gain of 15 percent. Further habitat enhancement opportunities, in the form of bat and bird boxes, insect ‘hotels’ and other measures are also proposed.

Employing over 150 people in Scotland alone, RES has developed and/or constructed 21 wind farms with a total generation capacity of 597 MW. The company also operates its Global Control Centre providing 24/7/365 monitoring for assets across the planet from its offices in Glasgow.

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