Paired with solar panels, NantEnergy’s storage systems and advanced battery technology give commercial and industrial (C&I) customers a reliable, independent source of clean energy—whether at peak demand times when utility prices are highest or as backup power during grid outages..
“NantEnergy is committed to providing energy management solutions that help businesses meet their corporate sustainability goals and in turn make a significant contribution toward local and state clean energy goals,” said NantEnergy Chairman, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong.
Demand charges in California have increased by as much as 64% since 2014, and these charges can represent more than 50% of a company’s monthly energy bill.1What’s more, California experienced more outages in 2017 than any other state (430+), with outages lasting an average of 117 minutes.2
Demand charges in California have increased, as grid outages have become more common, These downtimes cost U.S. businesses billions each year. Much of the increase is due to the higher frequency of damaging severe weather events driven by climate change, making backup power vital for business customers.
“Our SmartStorage systems address both rising energy costs and increasingly frequent grid disruptions,” said Carl Mansfield, NantEnergy VP of System Solutions. “With our systems, companies can manage demand charges, shift solar energy to more valuable times of day, and gain reliable backup power fueled by renewable sources.”
Highlights from customers who have recently deployed NantEnergy SmartStorage systems: