The joint development program is underway and includes delivery of Ambri cells to NEC in the fourth quarter of 2019. The JDA calls for NEC’s production of commercial systems at the conclusion of the development program and NEC has committed to a minimum purchase of 200MWh of Ambri cells for these systems. Systems will be targeted at applications with durations of four hours or more, and where daily full depth of discharge cycling is expected. These systems will be particularly well suited for shifting large amounts of renewable energy and grid-system peak shaving.
“Based on our knowledge and testing of Ambri’s technology, we feel this chemistry could be a great answer to the energy industry’s need for a low cost, long life storage solution,” said Steve Fludder, CEO of NEC Energy Solutions.
Ambri’s long duration cells, which are based on its patented calcium || antimony chemistry, can deliver daily 100% depth of discharge cycling performance for over 20 years with negligible degradation at a significantly lower system cost than other battery storage technologies. Systems built with Ambri’s cells can operate safely under all environmental conditions without the need for air conditioning or fire suppression equipment – increasing the system’s efficiency while reducing project cost and maintenance.