
Solar Certification Fund: 5th call for proposals launched 

The Solar Certification Fund launches its 5th call for project proposals. 
Solar Certification Fund: 5th call for proposals launched 

Since its first call in 2011, this fund has contributed over half a million Euros to 50 projects related to the support of certification and standardisation as well as to the development of quality assurance for the advancement of the solar thermal technology.

The European Solar Certification Fund (SCF) was established by the Solar Keymark Network in 2010 and launched its first call for project proposals in January 2011.

The Fund aims at supporting activities related to the development and promotion of the Solar Keymark certification scheme and the relevant standards. Through the four previous calls, this Fund has co-financed 50 projects with an amount approaching 580 000 Euros.

 This new call has an indicative budget of €180 000. The final budget allocation will depend on the relevance and quality of the proposals submitted.

 The main priorities of this 5th SCF call are extensive and include:

  • Improving or promoting the Solar Keymark scheme, Eco-Design & Energy Labelling;
  • CE-marking related to Construction Product Regulation (CPR); support to Liaison CEN/TC312 officers;
  •  Supporting to CEN/TC312 working groups; improving the Solar Keymark database;
  • Promoting new or improved standards for solar thermal products and related topics;
  • Energy Performance of Buildings, Global Certification, Improving Solar Keymark testing, celebration of the Solar Keymark 10th anniversary and the elaboration of eco-indicators.

 The SCF Call for Project Proposals can be found here. The deadline for submitting proposals is 15 January 2014.

 For additional information:

Solar Keymark

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