
The world's biggest solar plant to be built in Australia

The project could be finished in three years. The plant would cost an astonishing $1 billion.

Companies such as BHP Biliton and Rio Tinto could take part in the project, for which Worley Parsons is finding possible sites.

The project could power as many of 300,000 homes. More than thirty similar plants could be built in the country until 2020, which would obviously make Australia the world leader in solar power.

The most likely areas are the vast Australian deserts, however, in a country with over 7 m square meters of area and only 20 million people finding good locations should not be a problem.

Solar thermal will probably be the technology used in the plants, which are seen by Australian greens as a clear sign that coal is not the way to go for the country.

Will other countries agree on this? Hopefully. We will keep you posted on


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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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