
£1million initiative will help UK companies overcome barriers to offshore wind exports

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) will fund a comprehensive £1million market access program designed to identify international regulatory and market barriers, and generate new opportunities for UK companies to export offshore wind products and services globally.
£1million initiative will help UK companies overcome barriers to offshore wind exports
Offshore wind farm in Danish waters. Courtesy of NREL.

Work will begin imminently, for completion by end March 2025, to be carried out by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult , the UK's leading technology and innovation research center for offshore renewable energy. ORE Catapult's independent team of offshore wind specialists will work closely with DBT's in country Trade Commissioners' teams.

The project aims to position the UK's offshore wind supply chain as a partner of choice while scoping capabilities, infrastructure and key requirements for select international locations, identifying opportunities for UK businesses. Countries included in the project are Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, USA and Vietnam.

“Economic growth is a defining mission of this government, and bringing down trade barriers in key sectors will unlock more markets and more opportunities for exporters up and down the country” said Minister of State for Trade Policy Douglas Alexander. “This investment shows that we are working to pull every lever we have to create jobs and support businesses as we look to drive the growth this country needs. “We look forward to working with ORE Catapult to help create these fresh opportunities for UK business.”

A series of tailored in-country workshops and fact-finding missions will be delivered with strategy development, ports infrastructure and floating offshore wind assigned high priority.

ORE Catapult will also present at international trade shows and conferences; meet with regional and national stakeholders and policy experts; formulate strategy documents for individual markets, and deliver pilot projects with selected partners.

“We're delighted to be working with Government on this exciting programme” added Dr Stephen Wyatt, Director – Strategy and Emerging Technology, ORE Catapult. “The UK is a world leader in offshore wind and we now have the opportunity to translate two decades of experience into new export opportunities for UK companies. Our work will help markets accelerate overseas their plans to develop offshore wind and pinpoint key areas, such as floating wind, project development, and operations and maintenance where the UK's leading companies can also flourish overseas. This collaboration represents a welcome economic growth initiative, providing clear leadership, enhanced market visibility and invaluable support for UK companies interested in entering these fast-growing international markets.”

At project close, all market data will be analyzed with findings and recommendations shared with the UK's renewable energy sector, with particular focus on the three priority areas: strategy development, ports infrastructure and floating offshore wind.

For additional information:

ORE Catapult

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