
Amasus Signs 2nd Contract With Bound4blue For Suction Sail System On General Cargo Vessel

Amasus , one of Europe's leading players in the shortsea, bulk, general cargo, offshore and heavy lift segments, has signed a fresh eSAIL® contract with Spain's bound4blue . Under the new agreement, a 22-meter unit will be retrofitted on a 90-meter, 2,876 dwt vessel at Asstander Shipyard in Santander, scheduled for mid-2025. The installation will set a new benchmark as the largest suction sail system on a general cargo vessel.
Amasus Signs 2nd Contract With Bound4blue For Suction Sail System On General Cargo Vessel
Courtesy of bound4blue

Amasus sealed the deal with bound4blue after assessing the impact of its first suction sails on Eems Traveler, which has been sailing with two 17-meter eSAILs since July 2023. The autonomous system, which works by dragging air across its aerodynamic surface to generate exceptional propulsive efficiency, helps reduce vessel fuel use, OPEX and emissions to air, while also enhancing regulatory compliance.

A spokesperson for the Amasus team noted that the compelling nature of the benefits convinced the business to “come back for more.”

“Amasus is committed to playing its part in the creation of a more efficient, responsible and sustainable shipping industry. And to achieve that we need to consider new ways of working and new technological solutions. The decision to install the eSAILs on the Eems Traveler was a tangible demonstration of that mindset and, we have to say, we've been thrilled by the results.”

“Third party validation of eSAIL performance on the vessel, by Lloyd's Register, is now being finalized and the figures, when released, will speak for themselves. It goes to show both the commercial and environmental sense in choosing wind as part of our evolving energy mix, while the collaboration with bound4blue demonstrates the importance of choosing the right industry partner. “We look forward to more positive developments in 2025 and beyond.”

The new contract is further proof of the growing popularity of bound4blue's unique,  DNV Type Approved WAPS solution , which is market-proven, robust, mechanically simple, and requires zero operational input from crew.

Shipowners and operators that have signed contracts in the past year alone include Eastern Pacific Shipping, Odfjell, Marflet Marine, and Louis Dreyfus Company, among others.

“This latest contract is a landmark for us,” comments José Miguel, CEO and co-founder at bound4blue. “We've secured a second agreement with a shipowner, showing how the technology meets all expectations as a proven, cost effective, simple and reliable enabler for greener, more profitable and compliant shipping operations. “We're honored to be chosen once again by this true industry leader.”

“As wind gathers favor, we expect to see these forward-thinking early adopters, such as Amasus, being joined by more and more owners and operators keen to take advantage of the obvious eSAIL benefits. In that respect, we believe the adoption curve is set for take-off. “We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Amasus for their renewed trust in our team, dedication, and excellent cooperation, and look forward to building on that successful partnership in the years to come.”

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