
Avanti Wind Systems in service agreement for 500 turbine towers

Denmark’s Avanti Wind Systems has secured a contract to provide annual inspection of work cages/service lifts in more than 500 wind turbines throughout the US.
Avanti Wind Systems in service agreement for 500 turbine towers

Although the contractee was not identified in a written statement from the company, Avanti said all of the projects have turbines that are two to four years old wind turbines, and all of them have Avanti’s Service Work Cages installed.

Although there are some variations between states, US law requires owners to perform annual inspections and to keep a certification journal including dates and detailed descriptions of the testing methods utilized.

“This is not only a legal requirement. It is also a necessary extra safety precaution for the technicians working en the towers”, said Kent Pedersen, General Manager for Avanti Wind Systems in the US.

The service agreement also includes Work Cage Safety Training for technicians working in the turbines.

US law also requires that the rescue equipment in the nacelles is inspected at least once a year.

Avanti Wind Systems is the distributor and service partner for Cresto ResQ, and the service agreement also includes inspection and annual recertification of rescue, evacuation and descend devices by Cresto ResQ.

"Safety in wind turbine towers always has top priority at Avanti”, Pedersen said. “Additionally these annual inspections ensure continued compliance with local, state and federal rules concerning devices used on wind turbines.”

For additional information:

Avanti Wind Systems

Tags: Wind , Wind turbine , SAF
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