
EIB Grants €50 Million to Iberdrola and Caja Rural de Navarra to Build Wind Complex in Navarra

The European Investment Bank will provide €50 million in financing to Renovables de la Ribera, a 50-50 joint venture between Iberdrola and Caja Rural de Navarra to build a new renewable energy project – the Cavar wind complex – in Navarra, Spain. 
EIB Grants €50 Million to Iberdrola and Caja Rural de Navarra to Build Wind Complex in Navarra
Courtesy of Iberdrola

EIB Vice-President Emma Navarro, who is responsible for climate action at the Bank, said, Spain has major renewable energy potential, and the EIB wants to help it to become a reference point in the sector by providing investments to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy while simultaneously fostering growth and employment. Promoting clean energy generation is one of our key priorities. As part of its aim to establish itself as the EU climate bank, the EIB has reaffirmed its commitment to increasing its financing to support Europe in its plans to become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.”

The EIB is assisting this project via a Green Loan, the features of which are fully in line with the requirements set out in its Climate Awareness Bonds program. As a result, it is likely to be allocated to its portfolio of loans financed via the issuance of these bonds.

The new project, located between the municipalities of Cadreita and Valtierra, includes four wind farms and will have an installed capacity of 111 MW. Construction is expected to creat up to 200 jobs and the complex should become operational in the first quarter of 2020.

In this way, the EU bank financing provided to Renovables de la Ribera will help meet the goal proposed by the European Commission of generating 32 percent of the energy used in the EU using renewable sources by 2030. The new wind complex – which will not release any polluting emissions – will generate enough clean energy to meet the electricity needs of approximately 46,500 people and will avoid the release 84,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere a year.

Cavar is also the first wind project in Spain to sell its energy to a large corporation. A long-term PPA will see it produce 40 MW of clean energy for Nike in Europe.

Iberdrola España CEO Ángeles Santamaría highlighted the importance of access to climate financing instruments to accelerate the energy transition.

“These measures, together with emissions targets and the implementation of an environment-focused industrial and fiscal policy, will make it possible to move forward with the decarbonization of our economy and climate change mitigation. In line with this commitment and an ambitious action plan, Iberdrola is making progress with major investment into renewables in Spain, where we plan to install 3,000 MW of new capacity by 2022 and up to 10,000 MW in 2030,”  Santamaría said.



Siendo la energía eólica Offshore hasta un 40% más eficiente que la Onshore, dado que el Factor Capacidad del viento en el mar es muy superior al viento en tierra, que se pueden utilizar conjuntamente dos sistemas de generación energética como son la eólica y la undimotriz, que no se produce contaminación óptica ni acústica con aerogeneradores flotantes a varios km. de la costa, y un largo etc. de ventajas, y teniendo en cuenta que España dispone de varios miles de km. de costa muy aptos para éstos menesteres, además de tecnología y medios para la explotación de éstas Energías Renovables, pregunto. ¿A qué esperamos en éste país para recoger lo que la Madre Naturaleza nos da de forma gratuita y no contaminante?. Nos queda mucho por aprender.
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