
Enel signs new windpark agreements in the US and Canada

Enel, Italy's largest utility, informed last week that it will carry out some new project in the US, amounting to 250 MW in Kansas (US) and 27 MW in Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada). The operation is part of an investment plan totalling more than 4 billion euros. The project is expected to prevent the emission of 415,500 tons of CO2 a year. Enel, through its subsidiary Enel North America Inc., has sealed two wind power deals in North America. The project aims to make Enel one of the world's largest renewable electricity producers.

In the first of the projects, called Smoky Plan Hills and located in Kansas (USA), Enel North America Inc. and Tradewind Energy, LLC have agreed to create a partnership in order to develop a windfarm with a maximum capacity of 250 MW. The first phase, totalling 100.8 MW, is expected to be completed before the end of 2007. For the deal, Vestas will provide 56 units of its 1.8-megawatt V80 model. Vestas' shares rose 1.8% in the Copenhagen stock exchange on the day of the announcement. Sunflower Electric Power Corporation will purchase the electricity from 50,4 MW and the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities will purchase the electricity from 25.2 MW.

In the second of the projects, NewWind Group, Inc, a society entirely controlled by Enel North America Inc. has signed an agreement with Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the construction, management and sale of electricity from 27 MW of the St. Lawrence windpark, in Canada. The facility will produce approximately 100.000 MWh a year and is expected to be completed by the end of 2008. Enel North America, Inc, is already present in 17 American states and 2 Canadian provinces, with hydro-electric, wind and biomass facilities totalling more than 400 MW. However, due to the new partnership with Tradewind, Enel North America, Inc. hasnow in the pipeline approximately 1000 MW of wind power only in the Midwest of the United States.

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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