
Business organization says federal transmission plan essential to growth in US offshore wind market

The Business Network for Offshore Wind, the organisation working to accelerate offshore wind energy deployment in the US, has welcomed the release of a transmission action plan from the Department of Energy and the Department of Interior, which outlines the efforts needed to integrate Atlantic offshore wind projects into the electrical grid.  
Business organization says federal transmission plan essential to growth in US offshore wind market

The plan, “An Action Plan for Offshore Wind Transmission Development in the US Atlantic Region” also discusses the long-term transmission needs.

Business Network for Offshore Wind has authored numerous policy papers on the need for coordinated and planned transmission development in order to accelerate offshore wind market deployment and reduce ratepayer costs. In 2020, the Network laid out the benefits of offshore wind development in a transmission-focused policy paper, and in 2021 argued that the federal government was uniquely suited to overcome regulatory and practical hurdles of transmission development. A third paper, Coordinated Transmission Development for Offshore Wind in Multi-State RTOs, laid out how regions could chart a path forward on coordinated development.

“Rebuilding America’s transmission system is critical to ensuring the full deployment of offshore wind on an accelerated timeline, and the Network has consistently called for upgrades to happen in a coordinated and planned manner to maximise benefits” said Business Network for Offshore Wind founder and CEO Liz Burdock. “Rebuilding our transmission system is extremely complex, and the federal government can play a unique role bringing major parties together to break through barriers. Along with ensuring that we can develop our industry, building out the grid in a coordinated fashion will yield enormous benefits for ratepayers and the environment, build confidence in the market’s trajectory, and accelerate development. We welcome the release of this action plan and encourage the federal government to begin working to bring states and stakeholders together.”  

For additional information:

Business Network for Offshore Wind

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