
First East Anglia THREE electricity transformer deployed in Suffolk

The first of four electricity transformers that will convert the clean green energy from the second biggest offshore windfarm in the world, East Anglia THREE, for transmission to more than one million homes has made its way to its new home in Suffolk.
First East Anglia THREE electricity transformer deployed in Suffolk
Courtesy of ScottishPower Renewables.

The 323 tonnes/463MVA transformer – which is 9.6 metres long, 4.1 metres wide and 4.3 metres tall – was transported under police escort from the port of Ipswich to ScottishPower Renewables’ onshore converter station site for the East Anglia THREE offshore windfarm at Bramford.

Manufactured by Siemens Energy in Germany, the transformer sailed from the port of Bremen before arriving in the UK where the abnormal load was conveyed to site by specialist transport company, Allelys, following a dedicated route agreed with local authorities and the police.

Delivery of the remaining three transformers will take place on Sunday 30 June, Sunday 7 July and Sunday 14 July following the same detailed plan and route put in place by ScottishPower Renewables and its principal contractor, Siemens Energy.

The transformers are the key components for the onshore converter station, ensuring the clean, green electricity produced by East Anglia THREE’s 95 wind turbines in the southern North Sea – and brought onshore at Bawdsey before travelling underground to Bramford – can connect to the national grid for onward distribution to homes and businesses.

“The delivery of the first transformer to Bramford is an important milestone not just for our onshore works to build the infrastructure needed to ensure the clean energy from our windfarm can get from power to plug, but for the East Anglia THREE project as whole” said East Anglia THREE Grid Execution Manager, Niall Armstrong. “It was a real team effort to get this huge piece of kit safely on site and my thanks to everyone involved - Siemens Energy, Keltbray Construction, ABP, Allelys, National Highways, the local roads authorities, and the police. While we always do what we can to keep any disruption to a minimum, I want to especially thank local people and businesses who may have been affected by the necessary traffic management required and thank them in advance for their patience and understanding while we bring the remaining transformers to site over the next few weeks. You are helping us deliver a cleaner and greener future for us all.”

For additional information:

ScottishPower Renewables

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