
Fisher German garners four UK wind turbine consents

The renewable energy team at national property firm Fisher German are currently advising on the development of single 500kW-900kW wind turbine projects spanning four separate UK counties. All of these projects are anticipated to be operational by the middle of 2015. 
Fisher German garners four UK wind turbine consents

The projects (in Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, North East Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire) have all been consented at a time when political uncertainty regarding renewable energy has contributed to a severe dip in planning success rates for onshore wind turbines. 

Recent data released from industry body Renewable UK showed planning approval rates for onshore wind farms in England have collapsed from a 58 percent consented locally in 2013 to 33 percent in 2014.  These recent successes for Fisher German show however that consents are still being granted.

Darren Edwards, a Partner at Fisher German’s Market Harborough office, said “there is no doubt the renewable energy marketplace has become increasingly challenging for both commercial and private developers in the last 12 to 18 months and politically this looks set to continue until at least next year’s General Election.  Added to this you have the difficulties of overcoming complex aviation, grid, and planning issues, which are now generally expected for wind energy projects. 

"I am delighted, therefore, that we have managed to secure these planning consents with clients and the next 12 months promise to be busy for our renewable energy agents as we turn planning approvals into operational projects," he said.

"We have obtained planning consent for 34 turbines and the delivery of these four projects will further add to our growing pipeline of operational sites and we continue to work with a large number of other landowners around the UK who either have projects at the pre-planning, planning, or appeal stages. Despite the numerous challenges we face when striving to diversify into renewable energy, the returns achievable from well thought through projects still make them well worth considering,” Edwards continued.

For additional information:

Fisher German LLP

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